Friday, December 24, 2010


The ponds were dredged, and all the trees and brush cut down. Wildlife habitat, and their food stores for winter, were destroyed, very sad for those of us who live here. We decided to celebrate Christmas with a feast for the animals, to bless them.

And we celebrate Winter Solstice with a Festival of Lights.
The magical animals gather for the party.
Elves join the magical animals.
Peanuts for squirrels, carrots for rabbits, apples for raccoons, and bean sprouts for skunks.

Blessing for the animals, so none are hungry, none are cold.
On the table are suet cakes, popcorn, and fresh cranberries. Under the table, carrots and peanuts.
Under the tree are nuts, seeds, carrots, and raisins/
Mali on a cold dark night arranges carrots and peanuts under the Christmas tree.
On Christmas Eve, there is a feast for the animals = peace, love, blessings.